To start, I made my own stencils using my heart punches and a transparency. Punches are great when you'd like to make a row of something - just push the punch in until the paper hits the back, and use a vertical line to line everything up. It's a little easier to show you than to take photos, so here is a little video showing how I made two stencils.
After I made the stencils, I had some fun playing with them for just a bit. Again, it's easier to show, so I made another quick video.
Check back later in the week to see how I used my stencils to make a Valentine's card for my sweetie. I can't show you his card before he sees it!
Hope you spend some time this week with someone you love. I love to craft, so I hope I'm also able to have some time with my paper!
Here are a few options for transparencies - at 50-100 sheets per box, one box will make a lot of stencils. You could share these with a friend, or just have plenty for you. If you plan to print on them, make sure you choose one that works with your printer - they make versions for laser and ink jet printers.
- Apollo Write-On Transparency Film, 8.5 x 11 Inches, Clear
- 100 sheets/eligible for prime shipping
- Sparco Laser Transparency Film
- 50 sheets/eligible for prime shipping
- 701 Highland Laser Transparency Film
- 50 sheets/not eligible for prime shipping - I used this brand
Great videos! I love this idea. I know I've got some transparencies around here somewhere...